2️⃣The Grange ingoldmells 3 bedrooms
26th 3rd may £395
3rd 6th may Bank Holiday £270
6th 10th may £240 midweek
13th 17th may £240 midweek
17th 24th may £395
31st may 7th june £420
7th 14th june £420
17th 21st june £240 midweek
21st 28th june £420
28th june 5th july £470
12th 19th july Summer Leicester £550
16th 19th aug summer holiday ☀️£320
26th 30th aug Summer holiday ☀️ £400
6th 9th sept £220
13th 20th sept £370
20th 27th sept £370
27th sept 4th oct £320
4th 11th oct £320
11th 18th oct £320
18th 25th oct Half term notts 🎃£420
28th oct 1st novem half term🎃 £270
1st 8th novem £300
8th 15th novem £300
15th 22nd nov £300
22nd 29th nov £300
3 bedroomed caravan - central heated.
SHORT BREAKS WELCOME fri ti mon Mon to fri
WEEK fri to fri or Monday to monday
✔️All you need to take with you is your bedding and teatowel.
✅️Optional extras when booking. is bedding
£30 extra for quilts and pillows for your whole stay.